What a great idea for a thought proving movie. Earth has been destroyed, the last survivors of humanity are searching for a new home (nod to BSG)...and they have found a new planet to inhabit. Except the planet is already inhabited by a peaceful race of beings. Now pack it full of breathtaking animated visual action and you have Battle For Terra. You might have to watch this trailer twice! Enjoy.
Let's face it. Other than his voice work in animated classics like Shrek and Mulan, Eddie Murphy hasn't made a quality film in the better part of 2 decades. I cringe every time I see a preview for anything new he is in (Meet Dave anyone?). But it only takes a few seconds to goggle some clips of Murphy's stand up to remind us that he was once a great comedian. Delerious and Raw are assuredly on most comedyphile's top ten list of greatest routines of all time. He can be that great again if he wanted, but he has been rutted in the family-film genre too long for most to remember anything else. All of that may be about to change. Fox Searchlight has announced the bipic Richard Pryor: Is It Something I Said and Murphy is set to play Pryor. If there is any doubt about Murphy's ability to fill the role, one need look no farther that Raw where he describes wanting to be Pryor from a very young age and does an entire bit as Pryor (see vid below). This will be Eddie Murphy's time to shine. Failure is not an option and likely, not even a possibility. Enjoy.
So last night my friend Scott and I stopped by a gas station in Tacoma that another friend of ours, Mike, works at. After picking up some things we said "later" and headed out. There had been a nice looking woman behind me in line, that was now at the counter as we were leaving. We exit the doors and Scott turns to me, "Dude, did you see the milf behind you?" Then after acknowledge I did, he adds, "She was totally checkin' you out."
"Rrrriiight...cause she just can't find all this, any where else," I answer gesturing to my appearance, which consisted of baggy sweatpants, unkempt hair, two days unshaven face and the shirt I had slept in. Not to mention the weight issue.
I had parked the car right in front of the station doors and as I climbed in, I glanced up...and sure enough, she was looking out at me. She even looked away and back again with a smile on her face. At this, I am momentarily stunned. To Scott I say, "You weren't kidding. She really is checking me out." Scott begins to elaborate about how he wasn't kidding as I start the car and begin to drive out of the lot.
"You should go back and talk to her" Quickly recoving from my amazement, "There is obvious something else at play here. She could not have been looking at me. There is no way..." We continue to joke back and forth a bit about it on the ride home, but the event is quickly forgotten.
Fast-forward to this morning. Mike arrives at the house to hang out, and as I'm helping him bring his PC in from his car he asks "Dude, were you blowin' ass by the register last night? Cause that chick in line behind you said she could barely stand there to pay. We were laughing about it..."
It was at that moment I remember the spicy teriyaki earlier that evening. I do seem to recall being a little...gassy.
I was perusing Felicia Day's blog and found this wonderful video that I just had to re-post. This is a very moving video to the music of Regina Spektor entitled Fidelity, that highlights the Courage Campaign's efforts to raise awareness of Ken Starr's recently filed legal brief seeking to invalidate same-sex marriages in California. Please give it a watch and if you feel moved to do so, visit the Courage Campaign website and sign their letter to the state supreme court before March 2nd, 2009. Enjoy.
For all of you who feel like you have heard a lot of words thrown around describing entities within the credit crisis, but still don't feel like you fully grasp the process of how the banks and lenders and others...do what they do...this video is for you. It's short. It's sweet. And most imporantly, it's very cool looking (read: entertaining). Enjoy.
Today was the straw that broke the camels back. Today I heard Rush Limbaugh tell his audience Democrats "have reformatted the [economic recovery] bill -- they've made it a PDF file when they posted it. And, so, you can read every page, but you cannot keyword search it. It's not a text file as legislation normally is as posted on these public websites. They don't want anybody knowing what's in this."
Gods forbid that anyone actually read a bill cover to cover aside...apparently Rush is so ignorant, that he has never heard of "Ctrl-F" or even bothered to check out the tool bar for the option to search a PDF document for keywords.
Why do people still listen to this douchebag? Like others in his clique (Bill O'reilly, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, etc...) I can't understand how they are allowed to remain on the air waves and why people still take what they say, at all seriously. These men and others like them prove to us, time and time again, that they are out of touch with reality, society and rational thought.
My biggest peeve about Rush and his buddies is the lack of respect for their own listeners/viewers. When you speak with the intention of informing people about any topic, you should be knowledgeable in that subject. If you ever make a mistake, you should apologize to anyone whose opinion or thought process you may have affected due to your error(s). But most of all, you should never make up facts, or deliver concocted information intentionally, as if it were fact. If you don't know something...do not just make up false facts or conclusions in lieu of doing some research.
I watch a lot of Keith Olbermann and recently, Rachel Maddow. I get flak from a lot of my conservative and/or republican friends that he is just the Liberal equivalent of Rush and Bill-O. Here is why that is not a correct analogy; Keith Olbermann doesn't lie to his viewers.
Find me some clips or transcripts of Keith Olbermann lying or voicing an inaccuracy. Now IF you find some, separate all the ones where he didn't do one of the following: share in advance that he wasn't sure if he was right, acknowledged he was guessing/interpolating known facts or apologize afterward that he broadcast an error. I will be very, VERY surprised if you still have any clips left. If you do manage, somehow, to have found one of these rare clips...keep in mind that I can compile you a list of inaccuracies and lies from almost everyday or every broadcast, from fools like O'reilly and Rush.
So I am announcing my intention to do just that...compile, all that I can find, an archive of the blatant inaccuracies, lies, misleadings and down right horribly unethical statements these guys have broadcast to the masses. I'm not sure how I'm gonna do this, it will obviously be too big for this blog, but I'm gonna start with this one by good ol' Rush. Thanks for the laugh you pill popping fat ass. Enjoy.
There are tutorials already out there for this, but it took me awhile to find them, so I thought that blogging about it couldn't hurt. Below is an example photo of what kind of custom buttons I am talking about. In my case I wanted a button for the couple of places I use the most (Facebook, Hulu, Gmail, Hotmail, etc...) without having to go all the way into my bookmarks.
Next you will right click on an empty part of your toolbar bar and choose "customize". Scroll down and find the new button (called Make a Bookmark Button") like in the pic below. Click, hold and drag the icon to wherever you want it to be on your Firefox toolbar.
Now you can hover over your new icon and it will display how to use it: First right-click the icon and choose how you want any new buttons you make to react to your clicks (left-click, right-click, center-click, double-click). Now go to a page you want an icon button for, like Facebook, left-click the "Make a Bookmark Button" icon and it will create a button for Facebook directly next to it.
If you want to move around the order of the buttons after you have created a few, right click on the toolbar blank area again to bring up the "customize" option; now you can grab the buttons and move them around as you like. To delete a button you have created, hold down shift, then right-click the button you want to delete.
Blow is a video posted by the "Make a Bookmark Button" creator nicholasalipaz. You can follow it instead if you like (which is what I did), but there was a couple things I added above that weren't obvious to me and took awhile to figure out. Enjoy!
You will be seeing this later today during the game...but why wait? BTW, it's called Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen...yeah kind of a lame title. Enjoy.
**Frakin' studio are trying to ban these pre-superbowl trailers left and right. Drop me a message if they stop working and I will find a new one to post.**
UPDATE: Just for fun, added this bowl trailer for G.I.Joe: The Rise Of Cobra too.
Wow does this game look great! After years of failed after failed attempt to make a decent Batman video game...could they final have done it? Although Lego Batman was pretty fun. Enjoy
Greek philosopher Epicurus' teachings: that pleasure and pain are the measures of what is good and bad, that death is the end of the body and the soul and should therefore not be feared, that the gods do not reward or punish humans, that the universe is infinite and eternal, and that events in the world are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space.
SagaciousT is a single nerd in Seattle, just trying to find his way in the Emerald City area. Blogger, videographer, audiovisual super guru, gamer and black-belt in Geek-Fu; SagaciousT is a self diagnosed technophile. More of his writing can be found at SomeFunnyThingsHappened.com - "So much out there to see, experience and learn, yet so little time".