Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Temp Fortress 2

After the success of Red Vs Blue, there were hundreds of machinima comedy copy-cats floating around the net, most not really that funny. So when I find one that is an original idea, is well produced and also gets me laughing...I like to spread the joy. Posted to WeGame.com by lagspike, this is the story of what happens when the Red team from Team Fortress 2, loses their jobs and must find new ones. Enjoy!

Watch more TF2 Videos

Police State

This started as a follow-up to my previous post regarding the NYPD, but I decided to throw in some new border crossing rule changes for good measure. "Making the NYPD Accountable" is a 12 minute documentary about the NYPD's abuse of powers and people rights the Critical Mass event last month. The poster uses video from several different onlookers to help prove that in just a few short minutes the police were able to make several false arrests. The would have got away with it too, had not so many people been recording the officers misdeeds.

posted to blip.tv by glassbeadcollective.

Next up: Did you know that upon returning from abroad, any US citizen's laptop may be confiscated and detained indefinitely without any prior suspicion? That and more disturbing revelations from a Washington Post article on new DHS policies.

BOLDLY GO - 05.08.09

Hi-Rez pictures of the cast of the new Star Trek redux by J.J. Abrams (also responsible for Lost & Alias) . Looks like Spock, Kirk, Uhura and some unknown villain. More info at LatinoReview.com.

Nega-Watts: Reduction of Oil Use VS. Expanded Drilling

A few years back I remember our local government gave away free aerator faucet & shower heads, because the amount of energy savings through efficiency was greater than the amount spent to give away the hardware (including installation). Now imagine a similar scenario where the federal government issued coupons for every registered driver in America to get their car tuned up for gas efficiency. Or maybe coupons for home owners to get their home better insulate/sealed. We already know from experience that it works and have the numbers to show that the results are immediate, instead of say...20-30 years down the road. This link is to a Time.com article on how oil-backed politicians and Neo-Con pundits are trying to make fun of Obama's suggestion that if all Americans inflated their tires properly and took their cars for regular tune-ups, they could save as much oil as new offshore drilling would produce over the next 30 years. Unfortunately the jokes on them. From the article:

"The Bush Administration estimates that expanded offshore drilling could increase oil production by 200,000 bbl. per day by 2030. We use about 20 million bbl. per day, so that would meet about 1% of our demand two decades from now. Meanwhile, efficiency experts say that keeping tires inflated can improve gas mileage 3%, and regular maintenance can add another 4%. Many drivers already follow their advice, but if everyone did, we could immediately reduce demand several percentage points."

"...we can inflate our tires and tune our engines, as Republican governors Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and Charlie Crist of Florida have urged, apparently without consulting the RNC."

Pic posted to Flickr by cristixcore.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Morgan Freeman airlifted to hospital after serious crash.

Freeman was airlifted to a Memphis hospital late last night (Sunday August 3rd 2008). His condition is unknown at this time. Morgan is one of the greatest actors alive today, hopefully he is ok and will continue to entertain us for years to come.

That said; is there some kind of voodoo surrounding Dark Knight actors? Heath Ledger dies, Christian Bale gets charged with assault, now Morgan Freeman injured in a car crash. We could even widen the scope to include Batman Begins and call Katie Holmes' marriage and spawn producing to Tom Cruise what it is...a terrible tragedy. Anyway more info after the jump to the LA Times site.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Leaked Dreamworks Trailer: "Monsters Vs. Aliens"

Does it really need any more introduction?...

Source page translated by Google

Below is a link to the official site and a pic for good measure.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Kucinich Seeks To Bar US Oil Firms From Iraq

It's a pity this man is not still in the running for president, but maybe he can do more good staying a Representative. Without giving away everything from the rawstory.com article, here are some clips from the story regarding the bold measure that would bar US oil companies from receiving contracts in Iraq, being proposed by Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich:

"The invasion of Iraq was about oil, but it didn’t result in more oil
or cheaper gas," Kucinich said on the House Floor. "It resulted in war
profiteering by oil companies who benefited by keeping Iraqi oil off
the market."

The Ohio Democrat, who believes exploiting Iraq's massive oil reserves was the primary reason we invaded, introduced a measure he says aims to keep Iraq's oil wealth within the country. “Iraq needs oil revenue now more than ever as they try to rebuild their country...”

Kucinich noted Congress recently required Iraq to match US investments
in the country's reconstruction, and he implied that Iraq's ability to
contribute to its reconstruction was damaged because of its reliance on
oil revenues.

I know some naysayers will undoubtedly point out that many non-US oil companies (several London based are mentioned in the article) will still have the opportunity to take advantage of Iraq's oil wealth. I say, that different. For one thing it wouldn't likely be no-bid contracts if it were coming from any other countries. Those counties governments & military are not currently occupying Iraq. And we can always pressure other governments to play by the same ground rules we are. As much as we need more oil that isn't controlled by the Middle East, that oil in Iraq belongs to Iraqis, not us.

Hi-Res Photo of robot from upcoming Terminator: Salvation

Someone over at Gizmodo took the HD version of the recent trailer and went through frame by frame until they found the image below. "No fate but what you make"...hope the fate of T4 isn't a boxoffice dud.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Amazing Artist Plays With Perspective And Depth Perception [Photos]

Axel Peemöller is a highly skilled and award winning graphic designer. Even his website is amazing to look at (play with!). Below are some photos from his international award winning way-finding design for the Eureka Tower Carpark in Melbourne, Australia.

Photo source

Cheney Proposes Dressing Servicemen As Iranians And Staging Shootout To Bolster Iran War

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Seymour Hersh, discusses recent meeting of Bush administration officials, where the agenda was "ways to provoke war with Iraq". Don't miss the "Update" at the bottom of the article. Full story at ThinkProgress.com.

Posted to Youtube by faizshakir.